Policies and Procedures
Family $750 ($300 first year, $750 thereafter)
Individual $375
Affiliate $200 (if you are also a member of another synagogue)
Seasonal $250 (if you reside in Maine for fewer than 4 months of the year)
Colby college student dues ($18/year)
Hebrew school tuition: Regular membership required plus $150/per child
Individual Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation: see notes of Sept. 27, 1981 (following)
Hebrew school classes outside of Waterville: see notes of Sept. 27, 1981
Use of the synagogue: For non-members - $200 for the use of the sanctuary and/or the community room, such use subject to the approval of the board of directors. In addition to the $200 fee, all persons (including members) using the community room and/or sanctuary shall be responsible for all clean-up and any damages.
Life cycle events: There will be no charge for life cycle events for members. For non-members, please contact Rabbi Isaacs.
Yahrzeit board: Plaques are $200 for members; $400 for non-members for standard-sized plaques.
Tree of Life: $54 per leaf. Contact Mel Weiss to order an engraved leaf.
Event cleaning of the synagogue: The synagogue is responsible for cleaning the sanctuary and/or the social hall before the event; the family who put on the event is responsible for cleanup after the event
Annual meeting date: Mid-October (after the high holidays, but before members leave for the winter)